How to Build a Hitters Confidence in Baseball
By James J Lathon
It is interesting how so many parents and coaches are very quick to alter this and change that with a young player's batting mechanics. The batter is advised to keep their elbows up, keep their elbows down. They are told to close their stance, open up their stance, keep their head in there and so on. There seems to be no end. Tremendous amount of time and effort on both the coach and the player's part has to be contributed, for a batter to successfully become a good hitter, not along to become a great hitter.
If a young hitter has proper mechanics, and there is nothing devastatingly wrong causing them to develop long-term mechanical flaws, they should be okay.
To repair flaws and get consistency at the plate, make sure the hitter is seeing the ball properly. Someone once said "see the ball, hit the ball". To get the eye-hand coordination will that time, and practice to become consistence at it. The use of a batting cage and a good pitching machine can help greatly in this area. Having a batting cage in your yard is very convenient, along with a good pitching machine. Repetition and focus is what we are trying to achieve. The pay off will be confident and more hits at the plate.
You've heard some of the great hitters make the statement, they are seeing the ball well right now. Or the ball is looking like some kind of a fruit. This happens when there a combination of proper tracking, timing, and technique shifting focus to the pitcher's release point. No doubt seeing the ball well correlates directly to a hitters success at the plate for them.
Your focus should be on a part of the pitcher's body, say his cap, forehead or chest. Doing so, the batter will establishes a proper focal point for their eyes. Proper distance is established as this is the initial stage in the tracking process for a hitter. As the pitcher winds up and begins his or her delivery of the pitch the hitter's focal point shifts into the release window, and with proper timing as the pitcher's hand enters the release window, the hitters focus should be on the ball. That split second difference in tracking the ball with the eyes, can result in a significant improvement in pitch recognition and translate into greater consistency, contact, and hits.
Next time you're struggling at the plate, first check to see where you are looking before the pitch is delivered. With proper practice and coaching instruction on the focal points will go a long way to helping you to become a better hitter.
There's nothing like the service of a live pitcher, but the use of a pitching machine when used properly can help with timing and the eyes focal point. Look to your baseball equipment supplier for the finest in pitching machines, batting cages, bats, gloves, and training aids.
With your hard work and determination, you can achieve your goals and dreams.
James Lathon is the owner of Visit his website for more baseball tip the better hitter around the country are using today.
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Attention Batting Cage Owners!
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Welcome to "Batting Cage Guide and Reviews". We provide batting cage buyers and users with the latest and up-to-date reviews and information on baseball and softball batting cages. Whether you are looking to buy a batting cage for team, school, or home use, we have detailed information that can help you make the best decision to buy the perfect batting cage for your needs.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Tips for Improving Baseball Swing in Youths
Tips for Improving Baseball Swing in Youths
By Guest Author Jake Wyatt
Probably the most practiced move in youth baseball training is the baseball swing. All players want to be good hitters. Ultimately, you need to be good in only a few outfield positions, but everyone needs to be able to hit the ball regularly.
Most baseball hitting drills focus on hitting off the tee or having the coach throw pitches while players take turns in the batter's box. Regular trips to the batting cages should be part of every team's practice schedule.
Youth baseball coaches can help improve their players' baseball swing by doing the following:
1. Practice with wood bats. There is significant controversy over the use of metal bats in Little League and high school baseball; currently they are allowed. They are NOT allowed in major league baseball for a reason - they make it too easy. Practicing with wood bats will better prepare your players to hit the baseball using metal bats during games.
2. Watch the mechanics. There are some basic mechanics that will help all players improve their baseball swing.
•The player should have their weight forward, not backwards. They should be heavy on their toes, not their heels.
•Their shoulders should be relaxed.
•They should be swinging slightly downward.
•Their stance should be just slightly wider than their shoulders.
•Their head should not move through the swing.
3. Help them with their mental thoughts. Tell them they need to focus on hitting the ball, not striking out. Their baseball swing will improve if they are focused on connecting, not missing, the baseball.
By helping players improve their baseball swing, they will become more confident in the batter's box and more likely to hit the ball.
In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more free tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at
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By Guest Author Jake Wyatt
Probably the most practiced move in youth baseball training is the baseball swing. All players want to be good hitters. Ultimately, you need to be good in only a few outfield positions, but everyone needs to be able to hit the ball regularly.
Most baseball hitting drills focus on hitting off the tee or having the coach throw pitches while players take turns in the batter's box. Regular trips to the batting cages should be part of every team's practice schedule.
Youth baseball coaches can help improve their players' baseball swing by doing the following:
1. Practice with wood bats. There is significant controversy over the use of metal bats in Little League and high school baseball; currently they are allowed. They are NOT allowed in major league baseball for a reason - they make it too easy. Practicing with wood bats will better prepare your players to hit the baseball using metal bats during games.
2. Watch the mechanics. There are some basic mechanics that will help all players improve their baseball swing.
•The player should have their weight forward, not backwards. They should be heavy on their toes, not their heels.
•Their shoulders should be relaxed.
•They should be swinging slightly downward.
•Their stance should be just slightly wider than their shoulders.
•Their head should not move through the swing.
3. Help them with their mental thoughts. Tell them they need to focus on hitting the ball, not striking out. Their baseball swing will improve if they are focused on connecting, not missing, the baseball.
By helping players improve their baseball swing, they will become more confident in the batter's box and more likely to hit the ball.
In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more free tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at
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batting tips,
how to hit,
improving a youth baseball swing,
teaching a kid to hit,
youth baseball article,
youth baseball hitting drills,
youth baseball hitting tips,
youth batting tips
Friday, October 14, 2011
How To - Baseball & Batting Cage Netting
How To - Baseball & Batting Cage Netting
Uploaded by Baseballtips A Bit of Advice on Purchasing Your Batting Cage Net All Nets are not created equal... and you don't want to buy this stuff twice!
Price only isn't where you stop shopping... compare type of material (nylon should cost more) & its strength for instance (#36 will outlast a #21) All nets look good right out of the box ...but the true value, the cost you will pay is based on years of service... like!
Then, the internet gives you plenty of choices but unfortunately, some may "fudge" on the true strength and weight of your net... There's just a very low price without concern for repeat business.
As a consumer, how would you know? How do you know a good net from a bad net?
Now that's a tough one... your buying decision may come down to whether or not you feel the company is trustworthy and your own gut feelings.
And you just wanted a batting cage... thanks for reading.
Hope it helps you.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Batting Cage Tips - The Art of the Coin-Op
Batting Cage Tips - The Art of the Coin-Op
Uploaded by ProSwingNY ProSwing's Tip of the Week focuses on the proper way to utilize a coin-operated batting cage. Coach Matty Maher explains the best approach for a basic round of batting cage BP. (i.e. practicing timing and getting your front foot down, pitch location and where you should stand, etc.)
Hitting in a cage is more than just putting a token in and cranking up the speed! Learn the RIGHT way here!
For more tips and instruction, visit
Thanks to our sponsors: is the ultimate online baseball training and coaching store. With over 1400 products organized into categories makes finding that baseball training product easy and simple. Order securely online or by phone. is a fully licensed company and has a full time staff available from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. Their toll free customer service number is 1-877-431-4487.

The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pitching Machines - Ten Great Ideas For Why Parents And Coaches Should Own One
Pitching Machines - Ten Great Ideas For Why Parents And Coaches Should Own One
By guest author: Chuck R Stewart
The following article lists the top ten reasons why parents should invest in a pitching machine to help their baseball players to become better hitters and learn to love the game of baseball. (Read this like David Letterman's Top Ten List!)
1) With pitching machines, the parents will not have sore arms, elbows and backs when they go to sleep at night - do I need to say any more! I have had this problem the last couple of years and the baseball pitching machine has been a wonderful, welcome piece addition to my family and my team. Last year my elbow did not feel right until early fall!
2) Hit the ball for a complete practice session - give each player more than 100 swings each and every batting session. Since batting is the most fun part of baseball, the kids will love having you as the coach and want you back next year. My players all look forward to getting lots of swings in each practice - the first 3 to arrive get to use the machine by being the first group to participate in the batting drills - they all get to practice on-time so they can be the first to hit.
3) When you own a pitching machine, the players can bunt until they get it right. We focus on this skill for an entire hour, just bunting, by setting up a pitching machine and having the players practice suicide, sacrifice and drag bunting techniques. How many games do you watch where a bunt is needed and the play is not executed correctly? With a pitching machine and practice, bunt plays will rarely be an issue for your team.
4) Hitting Technique - get it right. Rather than trying to work on just making contact with the ball, spend time learning to hit the baseball the right way. Our team gets time to actually work on the proper hitting techniques - our strikeouts are down to 1-2 per game against the some of the best pitchers in the league.
Teams with limited access to pitches (through the coach's arms) are thrilled when they get their players to simply hit the ball.
5) The pitching machine helps us to learn to hit pitches to the opposite field by giving us the at-bats required to learn how to do it. We also get to work on hitting baseball where they are pitched and trying to have the players hit sacrifice fly's to the outfield when runners are in a position to advance.
6) We use the Tru Toss Soft Machine , Heater Pitching Machine and the Grand Slam Wiffle Ball Pitching Machine at different stations each practice. Our coaches no longer have to dodge the hit balls coming rocketing back at them, the team gets lots of swings and the coaches get to coach rather than pitch - it is great.
7) Curve Balls - The only way to learn to hit one is to practice regularly. Our team is learning to hit curve balls and our players have the chance to see about 20 of them every practice session. A coach and his arm could not throw that many curve balls without experiencing a very sore elbow for the next several days or even months.
8) Intra Squad Scrimmages - We use the hitting machine to play intra-squad scrimmages. The game just moves faster and the quick pace keeps everyone engaged and having fun.
9) The pitching machines are safe enough for the kids to use without having an adult to watch over them every step of the way. A little common sense is all that is needed to be sure the kids can have fun while you enjoy watching them improve.
10) The local kids will all come and hang out in your backyard , which is a great time for everyone! My wife and I enjoy this aspect of the pitching machine we have the most. During the summer months our backyard is the central hangout place for everyone. We get to serve cold drinks while the kids play home run derby, hit to countless pitches and then go home tired out after a great night of hitting baseballs. I think if I were a kid I would be hanging out right where they are as well.
The above list should help to relieve any doubt about why parents should want to buy their baseball-playing children a pitching machine!
To Your Hitting Success,
Coach Chuck
Coach Chuck Stewart operates a baseball web site called offering baseball training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. The web site specializes in offering pitching machines, and batting cages. Coach Chuck has coached baseball teams for 11 years and enjoys sharing the love of the game of baseball with his players and visitors to the site.
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Thanks to our sponsors: is the ultimate online baseball training and coaching store. With over 1400 products organized into categories makes finding that baseball training product easy and simple. Order securely online or by phone. is a fully licensed company and has a full time staff available from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. Their toll free customer service number is 1-877-431-4487.

The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!
By guest author: Chuck R Stewart
The following article lists the top ten reasons why parents should invest in a pitching machine to help their baseball players to become better hitters and learn to love the game of baseball. (Read this like David Letterman's Top Ten List!)
1) With pitching machines, the parents will not have sore arms, elbows and backs when they go to sleep at night - do I need to say any more! I have had this problem the last couple of years and the baseball pitching machine has been a wonderful, welcome piece addition to my family and my team. Last year my elbow did not feel right until early fall!
2) Hit the ball for a complete practice session - give each player more than 100 swings each and every batting session. Since batting is the most fun part of baseball, the kids will love having you as the coach and want you back next year. My players all look forward to getting lots of swings in each practice - the first 3 to arrive get to use the machine by being the first group to participate in the batting drills - they all get to practice on-time so they can be the first to hit.
3) When you own a pitching machine, the players can bunt until they get it right. We focus on this skill for an entire hour, just bunting, by setting up a pitching machine and having the players practice suicide, sacrifice and drag bunting techniques. How many games do you watch where a bunt is needed and the play is not executed correctly? With a pitching machine and practice, bunt plays will rarely be an issue for your team.
4) Hitting Technique - get it right. Rather than trying to work on just making contact with the ball, spend time learning to hit the baseball the right way. Our team gets time to actually work on the proper hitting techniques - our strikeouts are down to 1-2 per game against the some of the best pitchers in the league.
Teams with limited access to pitches (through the coach's arms) are thrilled when they get their players to simply hit the ball.
5) The pitching machine helps us to learn to hit pitches to the opposite field by giving us the at-bats required to learn how to do it. We also get to work on hitting baseball where they are pitched and trying to have the players hit sacrifice fly's to the outfield when runners are in a position to advance.
6) We use the Tru Toss Soft Machine , Heater Pitching Machine and the Grand Slam Wiffle Ball Pitching Machine at different stations each practice. Our coaches no longer have to dodge the hit balls coming rocketing back at them, the team gets lots of swings and the coaches get to coach rather than pitch - it is great.
7) Curve Balls - The only way to learn to hit one is to practice regularly. Our team is learning to hit curve balls and our players have the chance to see about 20 of them every practice session. A coach and his arm could not throw that many curve balls without experiencing a very sore elbow for the next several days or even months.
8) Intra Squad Scrimmages - We use the hitting machine to play intra-squad scrimmages. The game just moves faster and the quick pace keeps everyone engaged and having fun.
9) The pitching machines are safe enough for the kids to use without having an adult to watch over them every step of the way. A little common sense is all that is needed to be sure the kids can have fun while you enjoy watching them improve.
10) The local kids will all come and hang out in your backyard , which is a great time for everyone! My wife and I enjoy this aspect of the pitching machine we have the most. During the summer months our backyard is the central hangout place for everyone. We get to serve cold drinks while the kids play home run derby, hit to countless pitches and then go home tired out after a great night of hitting baseballs. I think if I were a kid I would be hanging out right where they are as well.
The above list should help to relieve any doubt about why parents should want to buy their baseball-playing children a pitching machine!
To Your Hitting Success,
Coach Chuck
Coach Chuck Stewart operates a baseball web site called offering baseball training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. The web site specializes in offering pitching machines, and batting cages. Coach Chuck has coached baseball teams for 11 years and enjoys sharing the love of the game of baseball with his players and visitors to the site.
Article Source:
Thanks to our sponsors: is the ultimate online baseball training and coaching store. With over 1400 products organized into categories makes finding that baseball training product easy and simple. Order securely online or by phone. is a fully licensed company and has a full time staff available from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. Their toll free customer service number is 1-877-431-4487.

The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Custom Batting Cages from On Deck Sports
Custom Batting Cages from On Deck Sports
Uploaded by OnDeckSport
Call (800) 365-6171 or visit Custom Batting Cage systems provided by On Deck Sports. Our Custom Batting Cages can be made to fit any facility. With retractable curtains you have full control over how you use all the space in your facility at any time.
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The 4 Best Batting Tees in Baseball:
Advanced Skills Tee
Stay Back Tee
Hands Back Hitter
5 Position Batting Tee
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
12 Baseball and Softball Batting Cage Buying Tips
12 Baseball and Softball Batting Cage Buying Tips
By guest author: Nick Dixon
There are some basic points that you must know before buying a batting cage. When you buy a batting cage you are making an investment that should provide you with years and years of top quality batting practice. Here I discuss what I believe are the 12 most important things to consider when you purchase your home, team, school or backyard batting cage. Remember these batting cage buying basics:
1. Batting cages nets come in a variety of sizes but they are all rectangles. The net itself must have square corners to save construction time and cost. The sizes of a cage vary with the length, width, and height of the netting. Be careful about buying cages that are too narrow. These cages do not allow older batters to take a comfortable swing and finish. The greater the width and height of the batting cage, the better sensation a batter has when a ball is hit. The wider and higher cages allow the batter to read the path of the ball when it comes off the bat. A short and narrow cage tends to "smother" a hitter. The higher and wider cages are also safer for the coach, player or parent throwing batting practice.
2. Batting cage netting is most commonly available in three common twine sizes which are #21, #36, and #42. The lower the number, the smaller the twine used in construction and the lighter-weight the cage will be. Heavy-duty cages such as the #42 better withstand the elements of time and use therefore they offer more durability and added years of use.
3. Batting cages are most often available in black. The twine is dyed black and UV is added to the netting. Black cages seem to last longer and in my opinion, they look better.
4. When you buy a batting cage do not just consider the cost of the cage, but you must also calculate the cost of shipping. Many companies have shipping managers that provide you with an added service of securing the lowest shipping cost possible.
5. All cages require a support structure from which the cage will be hung. The longer the cage, the more support sections that will be required to hold it in place. The smaller and more light-weight a batting cage is, the less support structure it must have. You can plan on putting a support section at both ends and every 20 feet, if you want your cage to be hung adequately without a lot of droop. So a batting cage60 feet long would require at least 4 supports for a heavy-duty net and you may get by with three supports for a light-weight net. You may also need cable or heavy duty rope suspended between your supports to maximize cage support.
6. You can not fit your space to the batting cage. You must fit your batting cage to the space you have available. Step off you or measure the area you have available. Make sure to order a batting cage that will best suit your available space. Do not allow space to deter your commitment to a batting cage purchase. Small cages in the 35, 40, and 50 foot lengths are long enough to allow great batting practice work.
7. Your chosen area must be level and it must drain well. If you can afford the additional cost, you may want to add a floor to your cage. There are two materials that make a great floor. Cement or concrete is the most costly. You may want to cover your hitting zone with indoor-outdoor carpet to extend the life of your leather baseballs. If you use rubber pitching machine balls in a pitching machine, they will withstand the abrasive properties of the cement cage floor. Another great floor alternative is to use weather treated 2 x 4s to build a raised floor. You will border all sides and ends of your batting cage floor with the 2x4s and stake them into place. You will then fill the inside floor area with a commonly used infield material, crushed stone. This provides a raised dry hitting surface that will offer a safe and less abrasive surface upon which to hit.
8. You are going to need to purchase a protection L-screen to protect the pitchers throwing batting practice. Make sure that your L-screen is a sock style made of at least #42 netting to insure that it will withstand the heavy-duty abuse it will be subjected to. A square protective screen is also a great investment to consider if you will be using a pitching machine often. There are screens specially designed to protect the person operating the pitching machine.
9. You will need a plate for batter and pitcher reference during batting practice. The pitcher will use the plate to throw the various pitch locations and the batter will use it to adjust to certain situational hitting drills. If your cage has a suitable floor, you may want to paint a plate and batters box to add a much appreciated feature.
10. You will need a power source if you have plans to light your cage and to use a pitching machine. Make sure that you can reach a source with extension cords or run a permanent source if you can do so safely.
11. If you have additional questions or need additional assistance, shop with a company that takes orders by phone. This allows your to ask questions and get answers. Depending on the description and details listed on a website, may cause you to order a cage that is not suitable for your needs. Most reputable batting cage companies have toll-free phone numbers and a staff available during business hours to offer you advice and information before you buy.
12. For many families the best and most user-friendly and trouble-free approach to buying a batting cage is to buy a complete batting cage package. These packages contain the net size and weight of your choice and a batting cage frame specifically designed to match the net. These packages are easy to assemble. Most of these batting cage packages can be assembled by two persons with about 2 hours of work. These batting cage packages can easily be taken down in the off-season and stored if there is a need to do so. Many of these packages include everything you need including the protection "L" screen. When the package arrives, all you have to do is carefully read and follow the step-by-step instructions to assemble your new batting cage.
Visit the Baseball Coaching Digest Blog for daily post and articles on every aspect of coaching baseball. The Baseball Coaching Digest Blog. Check out for top quality batting cages at discount prices. They specialize in complete batting cage kits with net and frame included for one low price.
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---BatAction Machine at
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---BatAction Machine Video Clips
---BatAction Trainer - 15 Reasons Why You Must Own This Machine
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---If you are looking for BatAction Replacement Balls or Power Bands Click Here
By guest author: Nick Dixon
There are some basic points that you must know before buying a batting cage. When you buy a batting cage you are making an investment that should provide you with years and years of top quality batting practice. Here I discuss what I believe are the 12 most important things to consider when you purchase your home, team, school or backyard batting cage. Remember these batting cage buying basics:
1. Batting cages nets come in a variety of sizes but they are all rectangles. The net itself must have square corners to save construction time and cost. The sizes of a cage vary with the length, width, and height of the netting. Be careful about buying cages that are too narrow. These cages do not allow older batters to take a comfortable swing and finish. The greater the width and height of the batting cage, the better sensation a batter has when a ball is hit. The wider and higher cages allow the batter to read the path of the ball when it comes off the bat. A short and narrow cage tends to "smother" a hitter. The higher and wider cages are also safer for the coach, player or parent throwing batting practice.
2. Batting cage netting is most commonly available in three common twine sizes which are #21, #36, and #42. The lower the number, the smaller the twine used in construction and the lighter-weight the cage will be. Heavy-duty cages such as the #42 better withstand the elements of time and use therefore they offer more durability and added years of use.
3. Batting cages are most often available in black. The twine is dyed black and UV is added to the netting. Black cages seem to last longer and in my opinion, they look better.
4. When you buy a batting cage do not just consider the cost of the cage, but you must also calculate the cost of shipping. Many companies have shipping managers that provide you with an added service of securing the lowest shipping cost possible.
5. All cages require a support structure from which the cage will be hung. The longer the cage, the more support sections that will be required to hold it in place. The smaller and more light-weight a batting cage is, the less support structure it must have. You can plan on putting a support section at both ends and every 20 feet, if you want your cage to be hung adequately without a lot of droop. So a batting cage60 feet long would require at least 4 supports for a heavy-duty net and you may get by with three supports for a light-weight net. You may also need cable or heavy duty rope suspended between your supports to maximize cage support.
6. You can not fit your space to the batting cage. You must fit your batting cage to the space you have available. Step off you or measure the area you have available. Make sure to order a batting cage that will best suit your available space. Do not allow space to deter your commitment to a batting cage purchase. Small cages in the 35, 40, and 50 foot lengths are long enough to allow great batting practice work.
7. Your chosen area must be level and it must drain well. If you can afford the additional cost, you may want to add a floor to your cage. There are two materials that make a great floor. Cement or concrete is the most costly. You may want to cover your hitting zone with indoor-outdoor carpet to extend the life of your leather baseballs. If you use rubber pitching machine balls in a pitching machine, they will withstand the abrasive properties of the cement cage floor. Another great floor alternative is to use weather treated 2 x 4s to build a raised floor. You will border all sides and ends of your batting cage floor with the 2x4s and stake them into place. You will then fill the inside floor area with a commonly used infield material, crushed stone. This provides a raised dry hitting surface that will offer a safe and less abrasive surface upon which to hit.
8. You are going to need to purchase a protection L-screen to protect the pitchers throwing batting practice. Make sure that your L-screen is a sock style made of at least #42 netting to insure that it will withstand the heavy-duty abuse it will be subjected to. A square protective screen is also a great investment to consider if you will be using a pitching machine often. There are screens specially designed to protect the person operating the pitching machine.
9. You will need a plate for batter and pitcher reference during batting practice. The pitcher will use the plate to throw the various pitch locations and the batter will use it to adjust to certain situational hitting drills. If your cage has a suitable floor, you may want to paint a plate and batters box to add a much appreciated feature.
10. You will need a power source if you have plans to light your cage and to use a pitching machine. Make sure that you can reach a source with extension cords or run a permanent source if you can do so safely.
11. If you have additional questions or need additional assistance, shop with a company that takes orders by phone. This allows your to ask questions and get answers. Depending on the description and details listed on a website, may cause you to order a cage that is not suitable for your needs. Most reputable batting cage companies have toll-free phone numbers and a staff available during business hours to offer you advice and information before you buy.
12. For many families the best and most user-friendly and trouble-free approach to buying a batting cage is to buy a complete batting cage package. These packages contain the net size and weight of your choice and a batting cage frame specifically designed to match the net. These packages are easy to assemble. Most of these batting cage packages can be assembled by two persons with about 2 hours of work. These batting cage packages can easily be taken down in the off-season and stored if there is a need to do so. Many of these packages include everything you need including the protection "L" screen. When the package arrives, all you have to do is carefully read and follow the step-by-step instructions to assemble your new batting cage.
Visit the Baseball Coaching Digest Blog for daily post and articles on every aspect of coaching baseball. The Baseball Coaching Digest Blog. Check out for top quality batting cages at discount prices. They specialize in complete batting cage kits with net and frame included for one low price.
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---BatAction Machine at
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---BatAction Machine Video Clips
---BatAction Trainer - 15 Reasons Why You Must Own This Machine
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---If you are looking for BatAction Replacement Balls or Power Bands Click Here
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