By guest author: Andy Brock
Backyard batting cages provide a tremendous advantage to baseball hitters of all skill levels. I mean, who wouldn't want to walk out to their back door and take a little batting practice. When deciding to build a cage, there are several things to consider.
The first thing that you want to do is consider how much space you have available in your yard. No matter how much space you have, you can get the most out of any cage with effective hitting drills. Secondly, decide how much money you have to spend. This is really the most important decision as it will drive your planning for which type of frame to use as well as the batting cage net.
Once you have decided how much space you have and settled on your budget, you need to start thinking about what type of frame makes sense for your yard. Frames can be made from galvanized steel pipe, plastic PVC or even treated 4 x 4 posts. Also, keep in mind whether you would like for the structure to be permanent or portable.Read more.
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