Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Assembly of portable batting cage

This is a video of the assembly process of the Cages*Plus portable batting cage. It is compressed from the actual 20 minutes assembly time down to 2 minutes.

Message to Baseball and Softball Parents
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Major League - Famous Baseball Movie You Should Watch

Major League - Famous Baseball Movie You Should Watch
By guest author: Suzie Sanchez

Baseball, being the most popular game in the U.S. has been made as the main theme of several movies that have left good impressions in the hearts and minds of people. Everyone had a good laugh, some tears, and heartwarming memories brought about by baseball movies. In fact, for those who were not actually that fond of baseball; these movies paved the way into having more baseball fans.

There have been a lot of movies that have depicted the heart of the game of baseball. One notable movie is Major League. If you still haven't watched this movie, then you surely have been missing out a lot.

Major League is a movie that focuses on a losing baseball team in Cleveland. Their players were so lousy that if force the coach to look for some players who were not actually professionals. These players consist of a convict, a voodoo practitioner, a baseball has-been, and some other incidentally far-out players. The crazy stuff they did together, the process of training them, and the hilarious ways that they were able to overcome their differences and weaknesses made the movie really awesome.

Most baseball players could relate to those in the team since they all reflect the human side of baseball. The part where they have to train themselves really hard just to achieve their goal of winning and keeping the team was a glorious appreciation of the human will.

Major League 1 focused on the story of a has-been who felt that he could no longer be the same player he used to due to a leg injury. But the time came that he was finally able to overcome the feeling. He was able to put his act back together again with the help of his team.

The sequel of Major League 1, the Major League 2, was another great story. This time around, it focused on the same ex-convict pitcher who succumbed to the glitz and glamour of famous personalities. It got over his head that he no longer practiced for the game like he used to. Soon enough, his game started to fail, and the team suffered heavily. Luckily, concerned people never stopped caring, and soon he was able to revert back to his old self, which assured the team's success in a major event they joined later on.

Although movies are simply for entertainment, yet they often depict what is really happening in real life. Like the Major League 1 and 2, baseball movies would always tug at the hearts of people. And, it would also be something that would constantly remind baseball players and fans of what baseball really is all about.

Suzie has been writing articles on interesting topics including sports, relationships and family. Her new interests are in duvet covers such as zebra duvet cover and girls duvet covers.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Beginnings of the Baseball Uniform

Beginnings of the Baseball Uniform
By guest author: Heidi Ball

A baseball uniform is worn in order to distinguish the wearers' role in the sport. Most uniforms have a name and number located usually on the back to help identify the player. Shoes, shirts, socks, caps, pants and gloves are all part of the baseball uniform.

But how did the baseball uniform come to be?

Baseball uniforms were first introduced by the New York Knickerbockers in the year 1849. Their pants were made of wool; they wore white flannel shirts and straw hats. Wearing a uniform soon took root and by 1900 all Major League Baseball teams were wearing them.

Before that time, those wearing a uniform also wore stockings which covered a player from foot to knee. Different colors and styles were used to show the differences between team members. By the end of the century each team would wear one of two different uniforms to differentiate between the home team and road team. It became popular to wear white at home and either black, dark blue or gray on the road.

From this time forward, the uniform began to evolve. Teams began making their uniforms even more unique adding purple lines or changing their colors entirely. Some started pin striping, which over the course of several years got bigger so that fans in the stadium could actually see the difference. Some used to say that pinstripes were added to the New York Yankees uniform to make baseball legend Babe Ruth appear slimmer, but since the team had been wearing the same pinstripes several years before he joined them, the legend was a myth.

The first numbers added to uniforms were in 1916 by the Cleveland Indians. They had them placed on their left sleeve and it wasn't until 1929 that the numbers made their way to the back of the uniform. All major league baseball teams had numbers by the year 1932. It wasn't until 1952 that the Brooklyn Dodgers were the first to add numbers to the front.

From the very beginning, logos were used to identify teams. Often times it was an Old English letter worn on the chest. Soon, picture logos began to be a popular site of team marketing. In the 1930's, almost every team had its own logo or team nickname on their home shirts.

Today many uniforms sport both new ideas of the baseball uniform coupled with the old traditional style. Baseball and its uniforms are a huge part of American history and the traditional style a fantastic part of the baseball heritage.

Shop4Teams ( has a large selection of baseball uniforms representing almost every team you can imagine. Heidi Ball is a freelance writer.

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Basic Baseball Equipment - What Are They?

Basic Baseball Equipment - What Are They?
By guest author: Suzie Sanchez

In team sports like baseball, it always involves the use of gears or equipment necessary to play the game. After all, you cannot expect to catch a ball flying at the dizzying speed of more that eighty miles an hour, can you? This is why baseball players are required to use leather mitts to catch the ball at that speed, aside from using other protective gears essential to the game. So what are the basic baseball gears or equipment that every enthusiast should know about before playing the game?


Usually made of metal or wood, baseball bats are elongated clubs around forty two inches in length. One end is narrow and is usually wrapped in anti-slip covering for easy gripping, while the other end is around two and three fourths inches in diameter. The single purpose of this equipment is to hit the ball with such a force that it will sail well over the end of the field.


The ball used in the game is not entirely made of rubber, nor is it filled with air. This important baseball equipment is made of a cork or solid rubber core which is then wrapped in yarn, which can be up to a mile in length, and then covered in leather. The size of its circumference is approximately between nine to nine and one fourths inches.

Batting Helmet

Worn by players who are currently at batting position, these helmets are designed to protect the batters from being seriously injured by errant throws made by the pitcher. Made of high impact materials for maximum protection, batting helmets covers the top, back, and the sides of the head. This equipment also includes at least one earflap to protect your ear in case a high speed throw goes wild.

Catchers Gear

Since catchers are always at the receiving end of high speed throws and players trying to score a home, they are usually accorded the best protection. Some of the catcher's gears include a catcher's mask, mitts, shin guards, chest protectors, knee savers, throat protectors, cup and inner protective gloves.

First Baseman's Mitt

This is a special glove worn by players who man the first base. Since they have the foremost responsibility of catching a batter before they slide onto first base, their gloves are rounded just like the catcher's mitt. It is also longer and wider than the mitts of a standard fielder. Since they are also at the receiving end of a high speed throw, the first baseman's gloves have more padding compared to that of a standard fielder's glove.

Baseball Gloves

These are large, leather mitts that have long fingers and have a webbed pocket which lies between the index finger and the thumb. This allows the fielders to catch a flying ball quite easily. There are other pieces of equipment that are used by baseball players. However, these are the most basic gear that you need to know about if you plan to indulge in the popular game of baseball.

Suzie has been writing articles on interesting topics including sports, relationships and family. Her new interests are in bedding such as king size duvet sets and king size fitted sheet .

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Derek Jeter Hurricane Machine Training Blog - Links

---15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
---6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Drills
---20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Video Demo Clips has a one of the internet's largest selections of baseball coaching and training dvds

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baseball Batting Stance & Hitting Techniques : Reacting to a Baseball Pitch

Baseball Batting Stance & Hitting Techniques : Reacting to a Baseball Pitch
expertvillage Create a trigger for your baseball swing. Learn about batting stances and how to prepare to hit a baseball in this free video lesson.

Expert: Eric Herrera
Bio: Eric Herrera is a hitting instructor in Phoenix. Since playing in the College World Series, he has coached little league teams and provided hitting instructions for five to eighteen year-olds.
Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels

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Baseball Batting Stance & Hitting Techniques : Reacting to a Baseball Pitch

Baseball Batting Stance & Hitting Techniques : Reacting to a Baseball Pitch
expertvillage Create a trigger for your baseball swing. Learn about batting stances and how to prepare to hit a baseball in this free video lesson.

Expert: Eric Herrera
Bio: Eric Herrera is a hitting instructor in Phoenix. Since playing in the College World Series, he has coached little league teams and provided hitting instructions for five to eighteen year-olds.
Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little League Tee Ball, Planting Positive Seeds

Little League Tee Ball, Planting Positive Seeds
By guest author: Marty Schupak

Tee Ball is the most popular youth baseball program in Little League, including other youth baseball leagues around the country, and has the most participants. As the 5- and 6-year-olds whom participate in Tee Ball get older, there is a drop off in youth baseball participation each year. Traditionally the largest drop off of players in most youth leagues occurs after players reach their twelfth birthday. Soccer is almost a year round sport and youth lacrosse is growing, which are both in direct competition with youth baseball. Baseball parents, coaches, and leagues are almost compelled to make the first baseball experience for young kids a positive one.

Youth baseball leagues can develop certain positive philosophies that will maximize the chances of retaining baseball players in their leagues. I'll touch on just few that I feel most appropriate. First of all, Tee Ball leagues should strive to make it as non-competitive as possible. Some overzealous parents who are very competitive will look upon their own child's first tee ball experience as the Major League World Series. Leagues must set a standard with this non-competition philosophy. Not keeping score is an option leagues try. But, from my experience with my own kids, as much as parents and coaches try, some of the kids themselves will be keeping score and reminding the coach and the other teammates every time a player crosses home plate. This will also lead to the kids keeping track of wins and losses. One option leagues might consider is to mix the teams up every 3rd or 4th game. This option affords tee ball teams to still have a team concept because they will practice with their team, and 75% of their games will be together. One thing they will have to overcome is two sets of different colored uniforms playing on the same side. Maybe one way to overcome this is to have players come to these games in white tee shirts and the leagues supply cheap colored vests. Maybe we call these games "All League Games", or another positive term that everyone can accept.

The other part of the game that needs to be addressed is that at the age of 5 & 6, the skill level will vary tremendously. Leagues need to treat the tee ball season as a progression type situation. In a 20 or 25 game season, maybe use a larger ball when hitting off the batting tee for the first five games. In practices, coaches should use a larger ball on a tee early in a season. One thing I did when coaching tee ball is to take a bathroom plunger, turn it upside down and place it into the batting tee. Now a coach can rest a beach ball or a kick ball on top of the tee for the kids to hit.

When teaching fielding, coaches need to make the task as achievable as possible. I used to start the season using a Velcro ball and Velcro paddle to catch a fly ball. The kids love this. On ground balls, teach the players to make contact with the ball with their glove, keep it in front of them, and not necessarily catch it.

On throwing, keep the distance short, spreading the players out very liberally and moving them back after every five throws.

These are just a few ideas that leagues should address, keeping in mind that we must start with baby steps and progress as the season goes on.
Parents must realize that they will have their fair share of competition as their kids move up in age. Tee Ball should be a positive experience in every sense of the word. Skills should be the theme of tee ball and less competition. In the world of youth sports, which includes playing time problems, parental sniping, and on the field arguing, youth baseball Tee Ball should be immune to this problems as much as possible.

Marty Schupak has coached youth baseball for 18 years and is the video creator of "The 59 Minute Baseball Practice", "Backyard Baseball Drills", "Winning Baseball Strategies", "Hitting Drills & Techniques", “Pitching Drills & Techniques”, and author of the popular book, "Youth Baseball Drills". He is a principle with Videos For Coaches and is also President of the Youth Sports Club, a group dedicated to making sports practices and games more enjoyable for kids.

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