By guest author: Suzie Sanchez
Baseball, being the most popular game in the U.S. has been made as the main theme of several movies that have left good impressions in the hearts and minds of people. Everyone had a good laugh, some tears, and heartwarming memories brought about by baseball movies. In fact, for those who were not actually that fond of baseball; these movies paved the way into having more baseball fans.
There have been a lot of movies that have depicted the heart of the game of baseball. One notable movie is Major League. If you still haven't watched this movie, then you surely have been missing out a lot.
Major League is a movie that focuses on a losing baseball team in Cleveland. Their players were so lousy that if force the coach to look for some players who were not actually professionals. These players consist of a convict, a voodoo practitioner, a baseball has-been, and some other incidentally far-out players. The crazy stuff they did together, the process of training them, and the hilarious ways that they were able to overcome their differences and weaknesses made the movie really awesome.
Most baseball players could relate to those in the team since they all reflect the human side of baseball. The part where they have to train themselves really hard just to achieve their goal of winning and keeping the team was a glorious appreciation of the human will.
Major League 1 focused on the story of a has-been who felt that he could no longer be the same player he used to due to a leg injury. But the time came that he was finally able to overcome the feeling. He was able to put his act back together again with the help of his team.
The sequel of Major League 1, the Major League 2, was another great story. This time around, it focused on the same ex-convict pitcher who succumbed to the glitz and glamour of famous personalities. It got over his head that he no longer practiced for the game like he used to. Soon enough, his game started to fail, and the team suffered heavily. Luckily, concerned people never stopped caring, and soon he was able to revert back to his old self, which assured the team's success in a major event they joined later on.
Although movies are simply for entertainment, yet they often depict what is really happening in real life. Like the Major League 1 and 2, baseball movies would always tug at the hearts of people. And, it would also be something that would constantly remind baseball players and fans of what baseball really is all about.
Suzie has been writing articles on interesting topics including sports, relationships and family. Her new interests are in duvet covers such as zebra duvet cover and girls duvet covers.
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